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Arts & Entertainment with Chris & Randall

Jul 1, 2022

Chris and Randall discuss the last 99 episodes before taking a little hiatus of perhaps a couple of months. 


Our most popular episodes

Total downloads:

ep6: Modernism vs. Post-Modernism
ep15: 1980s comedies - part 3 of 3 - John Hughes and late 80s
ep2: Hipster Hollywood in the 60s
ep3: Science fiction TV shows we're watching
ep20: Chris' latest obsession or Youtube music in the time of COVID-19
ep4: Randall introduces a new genre: Bonkers Sci-Fi
ep24: Generation X growing old with radio
ep11: Stand up favorites new and old
ep19: Randall hates on J.J. Abrams

First 7 days:

ep94: What is Generation X humor?
ep96: 21st century music bio-pic with guest Bill Gucwa
ep95: How to sell NFT art
ep99: The Vietnam War movie as apologia for empire
ep82: The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
ep91: The abstract moment
ep97: Q & A with Jerry Leibowitz — Professional Animator, Underground Comic Creator, and Graphic Designer
ep90: The road to modernism
ep62: The arts & entertainment of the Fourth of July
ep80: Turkeys that are so bad they're good


Topics discussed include: 

How to be a guest
advertising on Facebook
Generation X
Randall's love of Marcel Duchamp
Herbert Marcuse
ep30: Does art influence the public mind?
Harry Potter
A Christmas Carol
Star Wars
Science Fiction
ep8: PRESIDENT TRUMP IS A STAND UP, or the aesthetics of President Trump
Taika Waititi
Thorstein Veblen
ep41: Candy as entertainment
live performance


recorded June 15, 2022


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