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Arts & Entertainment with Chris & Randall

May 29, 2020

Chris & Randall have a discussion of stand up they like and have liked.

May 29, 2020

A listener recently sent us an email about our PUNK ROCK show, episode 7. We liked the email so much that we spent this episode answering it.


Okay, so I just watched your punk rock podcast and now I can't find it to leave a message directly on the podcast.

[Please feel free to email or leave a comment on Facebook...

May 25, 2020

Chris shares his pet peeve about how New York, the city he grew up in, is depicted in movies and TV.

May 25, 2020

Chris & Randall discuss an opinion Randall developed after watching dozens of Donald Trump rallies. President Donald Trump may be a politician, but he acts exactly like a stand up comedian.

May 25, 2020

In this episode, Chris & Randall discuss the Punk Rock moment.